The Perfect Morning Routine for Moms in 8 Simple Steps-min

The Perfect Morning Routine for Moms in 8 Simple Steps

The perfect, simple morning routine for moms to start the day off on the right foot.

Here are my happy daily goal sheets to help start your day on a positive note.

The Perfect Morning Routine for Moms in 8 Simple Steps (1)-min

Do you hate mornings?

I do!

Do you hate waking up early? Pick me!

Do you hate waking up to a crying baby? Me again!

Does your morning usually start off rough which sets the tone for your whole day? Definitely ME!

There are times were it takes me until 11:00 to fully wake up and do something with my life because I’m too busy hating the world or offended that my baby would have the audacity to wake up before 7:00. How rude!

Then I’m hating myself because I’ve wasted the morning and I could have been productive. sigh……

Related: Simple Stay at Home Mom Schedule

Having a good morning routine is wonderful.

It sets the day and puts you in the right mood. It sets your whole day up for success. It’s a hard commitment, especially if you aren’t a morning person, but once you make it a habit, you won’t have to think twice about it.

I have had cycles in my life where I had a strong morning routine, and I could definitely tell a difference in my mood, productivity, and overall mental health.

There are 8 things that you should include in your mom morning routine, and that I have seen make a difference in my life.

The great thing is, you can do it in 30 minutes, so if you’re on-the-go, or don’t want to wake up at the butt-crack of dawn to beat your kids, this routine is for you!

8 Steps for an Awesome Morning Routine

The Perfect Morning Routine for Moms in 8 Simple Steps (2)-min

  1. Prayer, Read, Ponder, or Journal Routine

Try to start out everyday with a prayer, reading your scriptures, writing in your journal, or taking a few minutes to ponder and meditate.

I pray right when I wake up in the morning asking for help and guidance for the day and to be happy and productive.

The morning is also a great time to ponder because it’s quiet and you are rested, so your mind isn’t bogged down from the long day you just had.

This is a great time for God to speak to you and feel spiritually fed for the day.

Even if you don’t pray, you could meditate. Relax your mind before the stress of the day begins. Or journal, get your thoughts out, write down your goals for the day, or make a to-do list.

This is one of my absolutely favorite planners. It’s called The Happy Planner. This is great for planning out your goals and your day! A great tool for starting out your day.

  1. Exercise and/or Stretch Routine

Exercise or stretching can do so much for your body and mind.

Exercise releases “happy” endorphins and is good for your overall health.

Stretching relaxes your muscles and increases blood flow, which increase nutrients to your body. Even if you had a 5-10 minute stretch and exercise routine, you would be make a difference. Break out that yoga mat and get to work!

Here is one of my favorite 10 minute workouts:

  • 10 Jumping Jacks
  • 10 Push Ups
  • 10 Squats
  • 30 Calf Pumps
  • 15 High Knees
  • 2 x 30 second planks
  • 40 Crunches
  • Hamstring Stretch 30 seconds
  • Quad Stretch 30 seconds
  • Glut Stretch 30 seconds
  • Arm Stretch 30 Seconds

It get’s your Heart pumping and your blood flowing. For more 10 minute workouts check out this post. 

Related: 10 Ways to Start Exercising with Kids as a Busy Mom

  1. Affirmations, Being Grateful, Loving Yourself

Affirmations are a great way to start the day because you’re setting the right, positive mindset for the day.

Pick 3 affirmations, 3 things you’re grateful for, or 3 things you love about yourself. Write them down and then post them on your mirror or somewhere you’ll see it all day or often.

I have daily goal sheets to help you do just that everyday, so that you can start thinking happier!

Some of my favorite affirmations are:

  • I can do hard things
  • I can do this
  • I’m ready to take on the world
  • I love me for me
  • I believe in me
  • I choose to be happy
  • I have all I need to make this a great day
  • Today is going to be a great day
  • I am happy and content with my life
  • I love myself for who I am right now

Repeating these things everyday help you to believe them. You train your brain to think in a positive way everyday.

I tell myself it’s going to be a great day every morning!

Get in the habit of feeding your brain positivity everyday. Just ask Dr. Norman Vincent Peale the author of The Power of Positive Thinking. 

  1. Wake Up Song

Have a wake up song as your alarm, or turn on music while you’re getting ready, making breakfast, or cleaning in the morning.

You could also listen to a podcast or other uplifting media. Some of my favorite “I can conquer the world today” songs are: 

  • Eye of the Tiger By Survivor
  • Top of the World By Imagine Dragons
  • Brave by Sara Bareilles
  • Can’t Stop this Feeling By Justin Timberlake
  • The Greatest Showman Soundtrack (you’ll get hooked)
  • Fight Song By Rachel Platten

Related Post: The Ultimate playlist for when you’re feeling depressed

Tips for a Perfect Morning

  1. Wake Up before the Kids

I’m pretty sure the worst thing ever is waking up to a screaming child. (Someone should probably make a crying baby alarm clock, haha.)

So, try waking up before the kids. GASP! I know, it’s so hard. Again, especially if you’re not a morning person.

However, you might be surprised by how much happier you feel just by giving yourself some time in the morning to do/have a morning routine without kids. Even if it’s only 30 minutes. You’ll be thanking yourself later.

  1. Plan the Night Before

This one is also part of a good evening routine, but it makes the morning so much easier, and things workout so much better when you’ve prepared the night before.

Prepare by writing down your goals for the next day, making a to-do list, laying out your clothes, or by doing your normal morning chores that night so you wake up to a clean house.

It’s much easier for me to get out of bed when I know I’m prepared to take on the day.

  1. Wake up at the same time every day

Wake up at the same time every day. You could also add- go to bed at the same time every night. We are creatures of habit and our minds and bodies like routine and structure.

Very Well Health States:

“Waking at the same time every day will actually help you to sleep better at night. A fixed wake time helps to build a strong desire for sleep throughout wakefulness. This sleep drive gradually builds, and shortening it by sleeping in will make it harder to fall asleep the next night.”

They continue…

“By getting up at the same time every day, you may yield some unexpected benefits. With improved sleep, insomnia and sleep deprivation may be decreased. Consider the following bonuses for observing a fixed wake time:

  • Easier to wake up
  • Easier to fall asleep (less insomnia)
  • Decreased sleep deprivation
  • Fewer naps
  • Reduced caffeine dependence
  • Improved alertness
  • Sharper focus and short-term memory
  • Brighter mood
  • Less irritability
  • Decrease pain
  • Better immune system function
  • Better safety and job performance
  • Safe and attentive driving”

Wow, who doesn’t won’t all those added benefits? Try to create a structured sleep, and your body will reward you.

 8. Eat a Healthy Breakfast

This can make all the difference. Start your day off right by eating right.

It sets the tone for how you will eat the rest of the day and will make you feel good and healthy physically. Some energy foods to help wake you up and get you started are:

  • Greek Yogurt
  • Eggs
  • Almonds – Good plain or with Yogurt
  • Chia Seeds – Make in a shake or add to your Yogurt, or muffin.
  • Fresh Fruit- Make a shake or add to your Yogurt
  • Honey – Add to anything! 🙂
  • Power muffin- Make a muffin and add some of the above ingredients

By doing these simple 8 things, you can boost your productivity for the day, feel healthier and happier, and create a more positive way of living.

Now, go take on the world, mama!

Related: The Simple Stay at Home Mom Routine

Related: 7 Things Every Mom Should do Before Bed

Goal Sheets to start your day off Happy!-min

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