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The Daily Stay-at-Home Mom schedule and routine for moms with babies and toddlers. Schedule your workouts, cleaning, and play time without feeling overwhelmed or stressed.
I think one of the hardest things about being a stay at home mom is figuring out when to have play time, when to workout, and when to just do something for you!
Related: 10 Ways to Start Working out with Kids
It can be exhausting and then turn into overwhelm, burn out, and anxiety.
If I don’t schedule my day, I get anxious about all the things I need to fit in it.
I used to just wing it, but then I realized that I don’t operate well with “winging it”, so now I have a schedule.
Tips for Creating a Good Stay at Home Mom Schedule
–Keep it flexible. Create a schedule, but don’t get so stuck on it that it causes you anxiety and stress. If something goes differently than planned one day, or if you have to change it due to uncontrollable outside circumstances, don’t stress.
-Remember that kids will change their schedules as they learn and develop, so you have to be able to accommodate and change your schedule as they grow.
–I would highly suggest getting out of the house once a day, or having only 1 day a week that you stay at home in your jammies all day. You don’t want to become depressed or feel lonely, which can happen when you’re at home all the time.
–Get dressed for the day no matter what you do. Make an effort to always get ready for the day, even if you plan to stay at home most of the day. You’ll feel better and be happier.
Related: 10 Things to Avoid When You’re Feeling Depressed
-Write it down. It helps to write it down, look at it, and really plan your day instead of keeping it all in your head. Having a good planner is a plus and must! This is the one I love.
–Don’t overbook yourself. Make realistic goals and expectations for the day. Again, kids can cause things to go array real quick, so just plan for it.
-Find a schedule that works for you. Don’t feel like you HAVE to do something a certain way. What works for you, works for you! It’s that simple.
The Simple Stay at Home Mom Schedule
This is the schedule that I have grown accustomed too and it works great. I’ll also show you some alternatives if you have kids napping.
(To give you perspective, I have 2 kids, currently. One is 2 and the other is 5)
Wake Up: 7-8:00
My kids usually wake up between 7:00-8:00 in the morning. We start the morning with them climbing in my bed. I am NOT a morning person, so I have to slowly wake up. I let them lay with me for 15 minutes and talk as I wake up.
They know I need time to wake up, so it’s become what we do.
You could be smarter than me and start a morning routine where you get up before the kids and start your day off right. I’m working up to this!
Breakfast: 8:00-8:30
If I’m feeling ambitious, I make breakfast. If not, cereal it is! (We should probably try to cut back on our cereal intake.)
Get Ready: 8:30-9:00
Workout and Get Ready: 8:30-9:30
Clean and Get Ready: 8:30-9:30
If we have to be somewhere, we might cut breakfast short and get ready real quick and get out the door. If not, we take our time.
Sometimes I get my workout in as they kids eat breakfast. I do workout videos, or a 30 minute cardio workout, then get ready. If I’m feeling really ambitious, the kids and I will go for a walk/run for my workout.
My little boy sits in the stroller and my daughter gets on her bike or scooter. It’s a slower workout, but I’m moving, and that’s all that matters.
The kids usually don’t bother me too much because they are happy to start the day and will play or workout with me during the 30 minutes.
If I’m not feeling the workout yet, I do a load of dishes, clean up the kitchen and breakfast, then get ready. It gives me a head start on the cleaning for the day.
Out and About: 9:00/9:30-11:30/12:00
Long Out and About: 9:30-2:00
Short out and about: 9:00-10:30
TV Time: 9:00-10:30/11:00
This is my out and about time. I try to plan picking up a few things at the grocery store, go to the park, hang out with a friend, go to a play group, go to the zoo, or the library. Whatever I plan, or sometimes let my daughter plan.
There are so many free things to do for kids, there’s no reason not to get out and about.
Related: 19 Free things to do with Kids
Make sure you bring lots of snacks, water, diapers, etc…
During this time, I try to spend good, quality time with the kids. I give them my undivided attention. I try not to be on my phone, unless I need to look up something. (This doesn’t always happen, I have days where I just can’t emotional give them my attention, and that’s okay!).
Sometimes we do a longer trip out and about. We might go to the zoo for longer, if we have a fun family activity planned we might be out longer.
You might have a little one that naps in the morning so you can only fit in about an hour or so before they go down for a nap.
You could do morning TV time and go out later in the day.
Snack Time: 10:00
We usually have snack time about 10:00 no matter where we are.
Lunch Time: 11:30-12:30
Depending on where we are, we might grab lunch, do a picnic lunch, or come home for lunch.
Play Time/Clean Time: 12:30-2:00
Nap Time/Quiet Time: 12:30-2:30
After lunch, I try to clean. Depending on the day, I might clean my room or the bathroom, but I also do laundry clean the kitchen and clean up the living room. The kids play.
I might, as I clean, intervene in their play time. But I don’t let myself feel obligated. If they ask me to read a book, I’ll sit with them. Or if they ask to play dolls, I’ll take 15 minutes.
Some days I use this time to clean up my kid’s room with my kids, or organize a closet or room.
This could be your kids nap time, and you could use this time to clean or work on a project. If you have older kids, this could also be their quiet time.
If I have a pressing project or something I really need to get done, I use this time to do it.
TV Time/Computer Time: 2:00/2:30-4:00
Nap Time/Quiet Time: 2:00-4:00
Out and About: 2:00-4:00
I like having TV time in the afternoon because that’s when I’m usually pretty tired and worn out from the day, or hit my anxiety max. My kids are usually tired and worn out too, so I feel like they can just relax and chill.
I pop in a movie and do some blogging, take a nap, read a book, take a shower. Just whatever I want to do that day. Some much needed self care and me time. This would also be a good time to workout.
Snack Time: 3:00
We usually do snack time about 3:00 while they’re watching their movie.
This could be your child’s nap time and your oldest’s child quiet time.
You could also do a second out and about. It’s hard for me to go out more than once a day. It’s just so much work. But sometimes I do have to run an errand.
If you don’t let your kids watch TV, you could just have quiet time during this time while you get something done. I don’t know how you do it, but more props to you.
Sometimes I switch my afternoon TV time and my morning out and about time. If I’m not feeling like going out first thing in the morning, I might have them watch TV and then go out later.
Play-Time: 4:00-5:30/6:00
After TV, we do more play time. During this time I’m usually cooking dinner.
My kids like to play outside during this time because the weather is normally really nice, and it keeps them out of the kitchen.
Sometimes they help me cook.
Dinner: 5:30-6:00
Dinner time is usually between 5:30 and 6:00.
We try to always eat at the table together, but that doesn’t always happen.
Family Time: 6:30-7:30
We usually clean up from dinner together, then we might go on a family walk, play outside together, or play a game. Just try to spend time together as a family.
Bedtime: 7:30-8:30
After family time we get ready for bed. Our bedtime routine consists of setting an 8 minute timer and picking up the living room and bedroom.
I’ve found that if I do this every night, it makes keeping up with the cleaning a lot easier.
We brush teeth, read scriptures, say prayers, and go to bed. We might read a book or sing some songs.
Me Time: 7:30-11:00
This is my me time. I watch TV, work on my blog, do some self care, spend time with my spouse. FREE TIME! I’d be lying if I said I didn’t look forward to it! (Sometimes it might be later than 11:00 :). This is another good time to work out.
You could also be smarter than me and have a good nighttime routine to prepare you for the next day. (Again, working on it)
I have found that this routine works great for our family. I stay sane when I follow it, and it helps keep my anxiety in check.
I also don’t worry about whether or not I’m spending enough time with my kids or getting proper me time because there is a time for everything.
Remember that kids learn by watching you, playing, running errands. All of it, so taking time with them while you do those things is so beneficial to them!
Remember to not worry about the schedule into going as planned. The kids will always try to change it; you just have to learn to adapt. But also know that as you do it, they will come to expect it and know what to do.
Kids thrive off having a routine and schedule.
It makes us both happy! Win-win!
Related: The Perfect Morning Routine for Stay at Home Moms
Related: 7 Things Every Mom Should do Before Bed Every Night