Discover some resources you can use as a working mom to organize your life.
I became a working mom about a year ago in order to put my husband through school.
Before that I was a stay at home mom for 4 1/2 years.
I feel like I’ve had the rare opportunity to have the best of both worlds. I’ve been able to get both perspectives and experiences of being a SAHM and working mom.
So, let me just end the biggest dispute of all time by saying BOTH situations are hard, but in different ways. Both are valued and both moms work hard for their family.
The SAHM doesn’t have it any harder than the working mom and vice versa.
Every situation is different, what works for one mom doesn’t work for another.
What’s hard for one mom isn’t hard for another. It’s all relative and on a individual basis. #sostoparguing
For me, staying at home was harder emotionally. I was often depressed, super anxious, and constantly felt unfulfilled.
As a working mom my biggest struggle is time and guilt. There is just not enough time in the day for it all, which makes me feel guilty. Learning to time manage and become organized is almost a MUST when working as a mom, especially if it’s full-time.
Really it’s a MUST for all moms because we are all busy. It’s a MUST to make your life smoother, and happier, so you’re not pulling your hair out.Â
I’ve endlessly researched organization ideas, time management strategies, and life tips and tricks for mom’s, so I can make my life easier.Â
How do I make time for it all? (I don’t, but that doesn’t stop me from trying!)
Learning to juggle activities, plan, organize, and prioritize is essential! I rarely can do it, but having resources helps.
I am way happier when my crap is together then when it’s not.
I thought my readers could benefit from these resources, so I have compiled the ultimate list of resources for the working and busy mom.
No matter what kind of mom you are, there never seems to be enough time and enough arms to do it all!
With my time limits I feel the areas that suffer the most are cleaning, sleep, meal planning, and finding the time (any time). All with a side order of guilt.Â
So, without further adieu here is the…
Ultimate Guide of Organization Resources for the Working Mom
Cleaning for Busy Moms
I’m pretty sure I used to say my house was clean only 1% of the time. It would last for, maybe, 10 hours, and 8 of those hours everyone is sleeping.
I hated it. I would work all week, come home to a messy house, and then clean all weekend.
I have so many other things I wanted to do on the weekend, the last thing I want to do is clean all weekend.
Keeping a regular cleaning routine is hard, but very worth it.
This is the cleaning routine I currently do, and I love! I don’t spend all weekend cleaning, and it doesn’t take up much time during the week.
It makes life so much easier.
You can also download my printable here.Â
If my way doesn’t work for you, there are tons of different ways out there.
Here are some Cleaning tips, tricks, schedules, printables and ideas:
Time Saving Cleaning Ideas By Elizabeth from Worth Writing For
Housekeeping Tips by Sarah from Digital Motherhood
Printable Daily Cleaning Schedule by Melissa from Melissa Fitzhugh
10 Ways to Keep a Tidy Home by Kim from Thrifty Little Mom
5 Ways to Speed Up Laundry Day by Kim from Thrifty Little Mom
7 Awesome Cleaning Schedule Printables from Life as Mama
Sarah Titus from has several great printables to choose from including a cleaning binder.
Krista from The Happy House has an amazing article about How to Organize your Home in just 10 Weeks. If you sign up with her, she will send you weekly emails to keep you on track with your weekly organizing. She has some products for sale as well to help you really be organized.
Time Management & Productivity in the Home for Working Moms
This is a big one. Being able to manage your time makes all the difference.
It’s the difference between going to bed at a decent hour, and staying up all night.
The difference between making adequate, quality time with your kids and running yourself crazy so you’re unpleasant to be around and worthless to your kids. #ihaventshoweredindays
Learn to prioritize and organize your time, schedule in the important things, and plan ahead.
Here are some Time Management Tips and Trips:
7 Time Management Tips for the Working Mom by Sarah from Digital Motherhood
5 Easy Time Management Tips by Inspirwing
35 Tips to Get More Done by Julie from The Mom Survival Guide
How to Be Mom-e-fficient: How to be Productive and Efficient as a Busy Mom by Cristy from Alaska Mom Life
How to Juggle Mom and Work Life by Jenni Spills The Tea
Home Management Tips for the Working Mom by Amber at Momtastic Ideas
14 Powerful Time Management Tips for Moms by Hena at Mending With Gold
Food/Meals & Meal Planning For Busy Moms
I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty sure my life is centered around food. #ilivetoeat
However, one of my least favorite things in the WHOLE world is meal planning. I just don’t want to take the time for it, and I feel like I never stick to it because I’m always in the mood to eat something else.
Well, recently, I’ve had small moments of meal planning, and I loved the ease and convenience of it.
One Sunday I made these egg muffins for breakfast for the whole week. They’re delish! Super easy to make and heat up really well. I loved it. It made breakfast so much easier all week. Plus, I’m usually eating breakfast on the run, so it really comes in handy.
I also started trying to plan out the kids snacks. Because, if I plan them, then they eat healthier. I don’t know why, but they do.
I started cutting up veggies at the beginning of the week and keeping them in a container in the fridge. When my kids complained that they were hungry, I’d say go grab a carrot.
Sometimes they even just grabbed some because they know where they are and they’re ready to eat.
This has made me a firm believer in meal planning. If you haven’t already, try it. It could change your life!
Food and Meal Planning Ideas, Tips and Tricks, Plans and Printables:
25 Screen Free Activities for Young Kids So You Can Cook Dinner by Megan at Scratch to Basics. I thought this was a great article because my kids are usually crying at my feet while I make dinner, and if daddy isn’t home yet, it becomes a nightmare. Having them occupied is must, which usually results in them watching TV, but here are some great alternatives.
(If you need some extra help keeping your kiddos busy plus educated, you can go to and grab some discounted books with my code livingtickled40 get $40 off– just for my readers. You’ll basically receive 5 books for free!)
Rachelle from Three Littles has a great article about Meal Planning 101Â for beginners with a free printable.
We all like eating healthy (or at least trying). But we also don’t like braking the bank. Here are some ways to eat healthy on a budget by The Curious Frugal
Tamara from Momma Making Moves writes about Meal Planning for busy moms with big families. If you have a big family, you could probably use this. Subscribe to her blog for a free meal planning printable.
5 Easy Breakfasts for Busy Parents by Life as Mrs Mum
Simple Ways to Create the Healthy Family Lifestyle You Want by Do What You Love Mama. This post also has awesome resources to help you reach those healthy goals.
Sleep for Busy Moms
Sleep, oh sleep, how I miss thee!
One day I will sleep again. I just constantly feel like I’m tired. Like ALL. THE. TIME.
Catching ZZzzzzz’s is important as a busy mom.
Here are some Tips and Trips for catching some sleep as a mom:
Why Coffee Naps are A Mom’s Best Friend by Mandy at The Well and Balanced Mom. I have never heard of these until now. It’s a very interesting concept.
7 Tips for Creating the Perfect Bed Time Routine by Heather at Very Anxious Mommy. Create a good routine for the kids. Life is so much easier when you get your kids on a good night time routine and bed time schedule. It makes it easier for you to wind down and get to bed on time.
How to Prevent Sleep Deprivation as a Parent by Aisse at Be Good To Yourself
Check out my Post for a good Night-time Routine for Better Sleep.
Work From Home Mom Tips
I haven’t had the chance, yet, to be a work from home mom. But I hope to one day.
I’m sure I’m completely ignorant about how hard it is. But I imagine it’s pretty hard to juggle kids and working. I bet time management, routines, and scheduling is a must.
I mean, my little boy is playing cars on my lap as I try to write this post. Probably an every day occurrence for a work from home mom. #isitbedtimeyet?
Here are some Tips, Tricks and Ideas for the Work from home mom:
Homeschool Hacks For Busy Mompreneurs by Heather at Call Her Crazy. If you’re homeschooling and working from home I might have to call YOU crazy! You go mama!
6 Time Management Tips for Work From Home Moms by Heather from Call Her Crazy
Don’t Become a Work from Home Mom Before you Read This: Tips for the Work From Home Mom by Alicia at Love You More Blog. Like I said, it’s probably way harder than I think. After reading this, I confirmed my fears. haha.
How to Get Work Done with The Kids Home by Holly from Humorous Holly
How to deal with Guilt when you Work from Home by Heather at Call Her Crazy
Overall Working Mom Tips and Hacks
Who doesn’t need more tips and tricks to making their life better and easier, especially as a busy mom?
There was just too much information to fit it all in their own categories, but too important to leave out! So, if you’re looking for some tips, you should find them here:
Survival Tips for Working Moms by Luci at Mums Make Lists
Know Your Rights as a Working Mum by Sarah at Digital Motherhood. This is great information about maternity leave and schedule flexibility. Know your rights so you can be there for you kiddos!
Tips to Make Your Mornings Easier by Sarah at Digital Motherhood. I don’t know about you, but mornings are a constant crazy rush for me. I do some of these same things to make my life easier.
Make Morning Routines Easy as a Working Mom by Megan at Megan Does Motherhood. (ditto from above).
Check out my post on the Perfect Morning and Night-time routines for moms. These routines help you set up your days with success and happiness, as well as some well deserved “me-time”.
How to Overcome Mom Guilt by me at Living Tickled. Mom guilt is so common among working moms and just moms in general. It’s a strong emotion that can control our lives. Learn to overcome your mom guilt and it’s a game changer.
How to have a Successful Comeback after Maternity Leave by Blogging to Help Mums. I’ve never had to do it, but I’m sure going back to work after maternity leave can be challenging. Here are some tips to rock it!
How to Find Time to Exercise as a Working Mom by Amber from Live Simply Better. Exercise is ever slowly moving to the bottom of my priority list, which is not good. I use exercise a lot as a stress relief and happiness booster. I could use some of these tips to fit it back into my life.
40 Ways to Organize Your kids Sports by Shaki from Sideline Society. This is a great post about organizing your kids sports. Be the ultimate soccer mom!
I hope you found something here, as I have, that can help make your life easier as a working mom. I know your busy! Make it a little easier with some of these tips!
If you have any tips you’d like to share, please comment below, I’d love to hear them!
Thank you for this post. It is very comprehensive. I do try to do meal planning/freezer cooking and it’s amazing! Less junk food and stress to get dinner on the table. However, I find it difficult to maintain. I’d make a menu for one week and when the week is over I’d be too lazy or busy to make one for the next week.
What would you start doing first in order to get a more organized life? Cleaning schedule, Meal planning, organizing?
Vivian, Thank you for your kind words. I feel the same way. I do really well one week meal planning and then the next week I’m too tired to meal plan. It’s a lot of work! This is kinda how I do it. I organize first. Like declutter everything. Get rid of things I don’t need and make sure everything has a place. Then it makes it easier to keep it clean. Then I do a cleaning schedule. I do the kitchen everyday and pick up the living room/kids room at night with the kids before bed. I have a laundry day and a bathroom day. Doing those simple things on a schedule has made it really easy to not spend my whole weekend cleaning. It can be hard though because I am way tried after a day of work, but I try to remind myself that it will be well worth it later. I also have weekly and monthly cleaning things like magic erasing the walls, wiping up the floors, etc. I am still trying to master meal planning. Right now I have breakfast down, especially because we are usually taking it on the go. I’ve been planning dinner meals that are easy and fast, but also healthy. Lunches are still hard for me. It’s baby steps, for sure! I hope this helps! 😉
This is some really good information about cleaning your house. It is good to know that you should have some good time management. Personally, I am terrible at managing my own time. So, I would want to hire an expert.
It’s so true! haha