One of the many amazing things about becoming a new mom is taking advantage of all the FREE baby and mommy products that companies offer.
And most of them are really good deals.
Try out all the brands that offer you sample products. Their samples are usually really good, and it’s a nice way to learn what you and your baby like.
It can also save you some money!
I take advantage of these offers every time I have a baby (all 2 times, haha).
Every little bit helps.
If you’re about to have a baby, get started on taking advantage of these offers so everything is in place before baby arrives.
The Complete List of FREE Baby Products and Mommy products
Who doesn’t love getting free diapers!?
Diapers are a ginormous cost. We are potty training right now, so I can’t wait until we don’t have that cost.
One thing you can do is contact companies and ask them to send you free samples. I had a friend that did this, and it worked. It’s always worth a try.
Everyday Family
Everyday family is a great company with sooo much free stuff!!! You don’t even have to pay for the shipping. They also won’t ask for your credit card.
You can get a sample package from Similac, Enfamil, and various other mom, baby, and household products.
They also have great sweepstakes.
Side note: They also have a company called The Goodie Box. This company will send you a free box of goodies, but you have to qualify. The qualification is basically applying, or sign up for one of their other offers, which usually cost money. So, if it’s something that interest you, go for it. I just stuck to the FREE stuff, like the formula.
Diaper Deals
There are some deals on diapers that you can get to help save you money. They aren’t free, but it might help with that monthly expense.
Amazon does a diaper subscription through Amazon Family. Join Amazon Family 30-Day Free Trial and start getting 20% off diapers.
Along with Amazon Family you get the same benefits as Prime customers: 2-day shipping, video streaming,
Incredibundles is a company that can bundle just about any baby product for you to help you save money.
You can create your own bundle or they also have a Diaper and wipe bundle where you can pay for a years worth of diapers upfront.
You can get any diaper brand delivered straight to your doorstep every month. If you like the brand name diapers, this could definitely save you some money.
This is also a great gift to give to a new mom.
Pampers does a rewards program, where you can get coupons and receive gifts.
Huggies also has a rewards program where you can enter sweepstakes, receive gifts, money, donate points, and of course coupons.
If you are in desperate need of diapers, Huggies founded National Diaper Bank Network, which provides diapers to families in need.
Boxed is an online company where you can buy in bulk and have it shipped to you. It’s like an online Sam’s Club. If you sign up for their email list, you can get 15% off.
If you plan on using formula, one of the first things you notice is how much it hurts your bank account.
Babies go through formula so fast!
Here are some great companies with awesome samples
Similac has a Strong Moms Rewards program. If you sign up they send you a ton of samples including formula (liquid and dry), a cooling pack for breast milk, a pregnancy guide, a free photo book, and lots of coupons.
I love this sample set and program. I’ve signed up every time I found out I was pregnant.
Enfamil does something similar with their Enfamil Family Beginnings program. A lot of FREE samples, offers, and coupons. I’ve also signed up every time I got pregnant.
Similac and Enfamil basically supplied my formula for the first 1-2 months after having my babies.
Nature’s one
Nature’s One will let you sample their formula before purchasing. They will send you a FREE 12 oz formula to try. You do have to pay shipping though. Click here to find out how to participate.
Nestle Baby
Register with Nestle Baby and receive free samples, coupons, and a free baby pack!
Formula Deals
Some companies have nice deals with formula, so you can cut back on those formula costs.
My Gerber
My Gerber is a great program that gives out coupons and rewards. It also has Dotti around to answer all your nutritional questions 24/7. They will also help you plan out your meals and give you a nutritional guide.
Just for Mom Products
There are several companies that give away mommy goodies, and you just have to pay shipping.
I’ve done it with almost all of the following products, and I’ve loved them.
Nursing Products
Nursing Cover
If you’re breastfeeding, you’re going to need a cover.
I love the Udder Covers because they have a like wires (I’m guessing their wires, I don’t actually know) on the top of the cover, which helps it stay forward instead of against your chest. This way you can see the baby without having to hold it away from you.
I don’t know if that made any sense, but I love it because I can nurse and see the baby without using my hands to see.
They have several different colors and patterns, which I love.
Use my LIVINGTICKLEDCOVER to get a FREE one at Udder Covers.
Breast Pads
You will also need breast pads if you’re nursing.
I have only used the disposable kind, but if you don’t like waste, this might be a good option for you.
They have all kinds of colors and patterns.
If you use my promo code BREASTPADS01 you can get 35$ off which gives you at least 10 FREE to try out. Go to
Nursing pillow
I loved my nursing pillow. (Also known as a Boppy)
They’re even good if you’re not nursing.
I used it a lot when my kids were young to prop them up, especially after eating.
Sometimes if they’re lying flat, they might spit up or throw up all over themselves.
Use my promo code LIVINGTICKLED40 to get one FREE at Nursing Pillow.
Pregnancy Products
Pregnancy Band
These come in handy so much while your pregnant.
They are great because you can wear them with clothes you already have. It actually buttons right into your pants. You don’t have to buy all these maternity pants.
They are comfy, have a nice snug fit, and keep your belly looking smooth.
You can try one out for FREE with my promo code BELLYBAND40 at The Belly Button.
Pregnancy Pillow
One of the worst things about being pregnant is not being able to sleep.
You’re uncomfortable, and it’s so hard to find the perfect position.
The pregnancy pillow is great because it helps you find that position.
I loved mine.
You can get $50 off of one with my Promo code SLEEP101 at Pregnancy Pillow.
Several stores and companies will give you deals and FREE stuff if you do a registry with them.
Baby List
Do a registry through and receive a free baby box. You do have to pay for the shipping.
The box changes every month, so you don’t know what you’ll be getting, but they do an unboxing every month, so you might be able to know before you get it!
From what I’ve seen it’s usually some diaper samples, wipes, bottles, pacifier and a bunch of coupons.
If you do a registry through Target you get a FREE welcome box that is up to an $80 value.
They also do 15% off everything left on your registry starting 8 weeks leading up to your due date. So, even if you don’t think you’ll get it, put it on your registry.
Amazon also does a FREE welcome box valued at $35. You have to meet certain requirements on your registry, but it gives you a checklist and lets you know everything you have to complete.
If you have a Amazon Family account, it’s easier. Try out a FREE trial of Amazon Family to make it easier on yourself.
Amazon also has great deals with Amazon Family like 20% off diapers subscriptions.
Amazon will give you 10% off everything left on your Amazon registry.
Sidenote: Amazon also does a cool thing called Group Gifting, where multiple people can contribute to a gift.
Buy Buy Baby
Sign up for Buy Buy Baby registry and also get a Goodie bag, 15% off what’s left in your registry and they have a referral program. For every friend you refer to do a registry, get $25 off.
Walmart also does a welcome baby box when you sign up for their registry.
Samples and Boxes
Moms Meet
Mom’s meet is a community of moms that sample and review products. If you join, you can become a mom ambassador and receive free samples in exchange for your review!
Noobie Box
You can get a FREE Noobie Box, you just have to pay $6.99 in shipping. The contents change, but it’s usually sample diapers, formula, pacifier, nursing cream, and nursing pads.
It’s a great deal!
Baby box
Baby box is a company that sells baby items and it’s own product the Baby Box. A box bed for your baby. If you haven’t heard of these, look it up, they are fascinating.
If you sign up to take some of their instructional classes, which usually last about 15 minutes, and then take a survey, they will send you FREE stuff like diapers, wipes, sheets, etc…
I hope this list will help you get FREE stuff.
If you took advantage of most of these offers you might have 2 months of supplies stocked up for baby before baby comes!
Related: The Best and Worst Baby Products according to Moms
Related: How to get Your Newborn on a Sleep Schedule from day One
Related: What to Expect in the First 2 weeks of Bringing Baby Home